Digital Grounding Device

DSS – 4th Gen Digital Grounding Device with built in Surge Protection system provides perfect Low Impedance Grounding to the sensitive equipments, provides equipotential bonding platform to eliminate any possibility of step voltage damage & provides total 100% protection from Lightning / Reverse Lightning, Surge, transients, Eliminates static charge, Noises, ESD, EPR and other abnormal electrical characteristics, which are likely to enter in to valuable equipments/ system from power and other service lines. It ensures a clear bonding potential (earth to Neutral voltage) of less than 1.0 Volt & grounding network Impedance less than 01 Ohm and has capacity to smoothly handle the higher amount of Leakage Current. It has a digital 6 digit lightening surge counter, self-health visual status indicator and self-protective, self-operated, fully autonomous aerosol based fire extinguisher, all as standard feature in a Pre-wired pulverulent body painted metal enclosure. The product is having facility to monitor Online Earth to Neutral voltage. The product is Conforming to IEC, CE Marked; CPRI tested and certified ISO 9000 & ISO 14001-2015 product

Customer Support:

DSS–4th Gen Digital Grounding Device with built in Surge Protection system is developed considering the various Indian power conditions, tested in India, in Indian Laboratory, to prove its ability of meeting its challenges too. It is Modular by construction for ease of repair/ replacement. It has back up of well-trained expert’s team for pre-installation site survey, installation and after installation service support. The team also has capability to extend assistance in Power Audit/ Power Analysis & Provide expert recommendations / plans of corrective measures, effective local solutions and thus can save not only user’s time but a lot of foreign currency too.

DSS has already been installed in many of the Government, Semi Government & Private organizations and are working satisfactorily.

Digital Grounding Device (DSS) is available on Gem. it can now be procured directly through Gem portal

Gem Registration Details

  • Product Name: Digital Grounding Device (DSS)
  • Product Id: 755327390639968923
  • Gem Catalog ID: 511687781617651015
  • Category: Digital Grounding Device 3 Phase

Digital Portable Low Impedance equipment Grounding & equipotential bonding system with built in 100% Lightning and Surges suppressor, static charge, Noises, ESD, EPR and abnormal electrical characteristics eliminator which enter from power and other service lines to ensure clear bonding potential (earth to Neutral voltage) less than 1.0V, a digital 6 digit lightening surge counter, self health visual status indicator, aerosol based self operated fire extinguisher and ON-LINE remote Earth-Neutral voltage monitoring facility all in a Pre-wired pulverulent body painted metal enclosure, installed in parallel to the in - put power supply circuit within the vicinity of 1 meter of the equipment that is to be protected, Conforming to IEC , CE Marked, Patented (design no.319013 - 001) CPRI tested and certified, ISO 9000 & ISO 14001- 2015.Type: 3 phase 4 wire or 1 Phase 3 wire, Manufactured by: Magnus Global Power Solutions; Marketed by: MAGNUS GLOBAL POWER SOLUTIONS

Main Features

  • The protection device is able to eliminate abnormal voltage, induced current from lightning & other abnormal electrical disturbances and protect the connected equipment from all kind of surges, transient over voltages, electrical noises, harmonic disturbances etc.
  • The protection device is able to provide complete lighting surge protection and form optimistic grounding system (common grounding, Equi-potential) while eliminating lightning surge current.
  • The protection device is able to provide protection against lightning damages by neutralizing the electrical characteristics of the lightning surges and other abnormal electrical disturbances of the power supply by eliminating the surges and transient over voltages.
  • After installing the system, the earth to neutral voltage reduce to less than/equal to 1.0V. Irrespective of earth resistance values and conditions. This value shall be independent of the existing earthing conditions and its terminal resistance values at the site and is maintained in all weather conditions
  • The Protection System has modular Construction for ease of carrying out repair/replacement.
  • The Protection device has inbuilt Surge Counter
  • The protection device is equipped with an earth termination plate for providing an Equipotential bonding plate form.
  • The product is CE approved & tested in CPRI.
  • The device is manufactured by the company holding valid ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certification.
  • The device able to protect the connected equipments from all kind of electrical disturbances such as surges, transients etc.
  • The offered system is enclosed in a prewired enclosure.

DSS Patent Certificate

CPRI Report

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